Carsbad, CA (PRWEB) July 31, 2013
On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His I Have a Dream speech changed the course of history by challenging and inspiring the nation to confront injustice and live up to Americas founding ideals.
The Chopra Foundation invites the global community to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this speech at its fourth annual Sages and Scientist Symposium, August 1618, 2013, in Carlsbad, California. Moderated by Deepak Chopra, the event brings together distinguished experts in science, business, healthcare, and humanity to examine and seek solutions to the problems that affect humanitys evolution to a more peaceful, just, and sustainable society.
This years Sages and Scientists Symposium pays special tribute to the civil rights movement almost 50 years to the day since Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to over 250,000 supporters.
Guests will hear about the struggle for social justice from brave men and women who have served on the front line of the battles. Scheduled presentations include:
The Nonviolent Movement of the 1960s: A Legacy for Today
presented by Diane Nash
The philosophy upon which the civil rights movement was based holds many lessons and implications for society today. Few people really understand the movement; most know only what they read and saw in the news media. Diane Nash will discuss some of the principles and strategy of nonviolence that were used in the 1960s and then explore how this powerful philosophy and approach can be used to bring about social change today.
Diane Nashs campaigns were among the most successful of the civil rights movement. They include the first successful civil rights campaign to desegregate lunch counters in Nashville; the Freedom Riders, who desegregated interstate travel; the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); and the Selma Voting Rights Movement, which helped African Americans gain voting and political power throughout the South.
The Legacy of Dr. Kings Commitment to Nonviolence: The 21st Century Challenge to Our Nation
presented by Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones
As America commemorates the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s celebrated I Have a Dream speech this year, it is important to reflect on his belief that, inside or outside the home, there is never justification for choosing violence as a means of resolving problems.
Sadly, today there are more guns in America than people. The Trayvon Martin tragedy is a reminder that Dr. Kings dream that one day the citizens of this nation would rise up and embrace one another as brother and sistersirrespective of race, ethnicity, or skin colorhas not yet come true.
Clarence B. Jones is the Diversity Visiting Professor and Scholar in Residence at the Center for the Prevention of Violence and Conflict Resolution at the University of San Francisco, and he is a Scholar in Residence at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute at Stanford University. Jones was the former personal counsel, advisor, draft speechwriter, and close friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and authored the books: What Would Martin Say? and “Behind the Dream: The Making of the speech that Transformed a Nation.
Navigating the Racial Terrain
presented by Dr. Terrence James Roberts
For over 300 years, we the people of the United States of America have pursued a policy of racial discrimination by law and by custom. In 1954, as a consequence of the Brown v. Board of Education decision by the Supreme Court, the legal underpinnings for school segregation were removed, but other structures of racial discrimination remained intact. Systems, programs, policies, institutions, patterns, and a host of unwritten but well-known social codes buttressing racial division were left in place as if the law had never been altered.
Successfully negotiating our conflicted racial relations requires us to accurately perceive and acknowledge uncomfortable truths. Contrary to what many would have us believe, we have not yet reached that nirvana of post-racial existence where each person is regarded as having an equally vital contribution to offer society. It is imperative for all of us to develop a complete understanding of how society is structured and what each of us can do to alter the social terrain so that life opportunities are enhanced for all citizens. .
Dr. Terrence James Roberts was among the first group of black students to attend classes at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. For his bravery as a member of the Little Rock Nine, Mr. Roberts was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by President Clinton in 1999.
The Chopra Foundations Sages and Scientists Symposium is an exploration of the mergenceor (e)mergenceof the stream of fantastic new discoveries flowing from the scientific community with ancientand still relevantspiritual beliefs in anticipation of discovering a single reality.
Symposium presentations fall into five major categories: