Mannheim, Germany (PRWEB) July 03, 2013 is a Social Sciences Network newly featuring the latest Literature and Philosophy Research. The site was established in 1998 to index the very latest news, headlines, references and resources from science journals, books and websites worldwide. The site covers news in all fields of biology, business, chemistry, engineering, geography, health, mathematics and society. In the field of Society Sciences, the site has now included the two new categories Literature and Philosophy. While the Literature section covers literary work and production of writings of a specific language, period, people, and particular subjects, the Philosophy section deals with the truths and principles of being, knowledge, and conduct.’s Society Sciences and Education Category covers the totality of social relationships among humans. Its twelve sections include anthropology, archaeology, arts, education, family, history, law and crime, linguistics, literature, philosophy, politics, and religion. Users can receive alerts for newly published content in this category by subscribing to’s Society Sciences and Education RSS feed.’s new Literature section covers literary work and production of writings of a specific language, period, people, and particular subjects. It currently contains 4,448 articles partly derived from over 260 scientific Literature journals. The latest articles in this category are also available through a Literature Research RSS feed. One of the latest additions to this section investigates the meaning of the written word in the age of Google. Through the use of critical tools such as Manovich’s theory of the database and Wittgenstein’s writings on meaning and context, the author of this article delineates a double partial characteristic of the search conducted by Google in terms of quality and in terms of quantity. Another newly published article presents the results of the first study on law firm libraries in Italy. The study determined that most of the law firm libraries show characteristics in common including resources, services and tools which may represent a large-scale standard.’s new Philosophy section deals with the truths and principles of being, knowledge, and conduct. It currently contains nearly 4,000 articles partly derived from over 160 scholarly Philosophy journals. The latest articles in this section are also available through a Philosophy Research RSS feed. Two recently included articles in this section defend the principle of non-establishment against 21st-century projects of political religion, constitutional theocracy and political theology. The first part proceeds by constructing an ideal type of political secularism, and then discussing the innovative American model of constitutional dualism regarding religion that combined constitutional protection for the freedom of religious conscience and exercise with the principle of non-establishment. The second part proposes that by abandoning the discourse of separation, it plays into populist integrationist hands without delivering on the promise of providing a coherent standard for deciding cases and concludes with a typology of the forms of regulation that are warranted under the conditions of the contemporary regulatory state, now the target and prize of politicized religion. Another new article proposes a type-hierarchy approach to provide an intersubjective framework for the evaluation of evolutionary analogies. It develops David Hull’s and others’ attempts to show that sociocultural development and scientific change can be considered as an instance of Darwinian selection. It introduces the general outline of the type hierarchy approach to models, constructs a hierarchy for a general abstraction of selection processes, and introduces the main criticisms that David Hull’s work has faced from philosophers and scientists.
The Sciences Social Network currently contains over 1.61 million posts distributed among its 75 categories. 93,261 users monitor 16,267 journals publishing within the scope of the site. Due to an continuously improved publishing process, the delay between original publication and appearance at is no more than three hours. The site provides an advanced search feature which suggests up to ten closely related articles for a search and for every displayed post.